Prayer of Protection

Jericho3DExcerpt from Marching Around Jericho:

This is an example of the many I began to pray while out on my walk-n-prays. Pray aloud, daily:

Father, In the name of Jesus, I thank you for giving me power over ALL the power of the enemy (Luke 10:19).

I exercise that power now and I bind and break the power of the witch, wizard, warlock and voo doo Priests, curses, hexes and all demonic assignments of evil. In the name of Jesus, I bind and break the power of every spirit from the kingdom of darkness working against me and (names of persons or ministries, etc.- say each name). AMEN (I speak each name of my family, SUM Ministries, Centerpoint ministries, prayer, art and publishing ministries.) )(Include your workplace as well.)

I break the power of every negative word spoken against me, all word-curses, and all accusations of evil being spoken against me and (names of persons or ministries, etc). These curses and accusations must fall to the ground powerless! In Jesus name.

I thank you, Father, for turning every curse that would come against me or mine into a blessing. I declare the enemy must pay back, times seven, everything that has been taken or destroyed....for our good and your glory. (Number 24:9, Romans 8:28)

I send out the warring angels according to Hebrews 1:14 to decimate any and all assignments that the enemy has for me, my family, and ministries this day! I bind every evil spirit that is sent to watch me or my family, eavesdrop, gather information, trip me up, block or hinder the works of God in my life and the lives of my family!

Father in the name of Jesus, I assign mighty angels to stand guard, with swords drawn, at every door and window of my home and places I minister so that nothing of the enemy will prosper. I also assign angels to travel with me and mine wherever we go.

Father, I ask that you expose any unholy activity or assignments and destroy all blueprints of evil. Grant me keen discernment and wisdom that I might be as wise as a serpent, but harmless as dove (Matthew 10:16), and Lord I cover all forms of communication, written and oral, with the Blood of Jesus. I bind every spirit that would carry my words with intent to harm or use them for evil...Place a cover over my mouth, lips and tongue. In Jesus' Name.

I cover myself (names of persons, ministries, etc.) with the precious blood of Jesus this day. We are sanctified, set free, powerful children of God. Reveal to us this day, the Kingdom assignments declared for our lives. And now I receive a fresh filling of the Holy Spirit. I ask for your wisdom and revelation to know how to bring your Kingdom to earth today in my life.

Now to You, Lord, be all honor, power, glory, love and highest praise. In the mighty name of Jesus. AMEN and AMEN!



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